woke up at 8.45. so sleepy.. then around 9.30am when i shittin leo ma told me shes goin out,n faster do my stuffs.so i rushed my shit and anyhw do my hair. i reached mac about 9.45,so i smsed vivien tel her faster come down. i sat down at mac n saw this old uncle keep staring at me-.-. so i waited. AND waited.she dint came early,she came late,as usual. then i do my amaths homework. .dint reali do la,90%i copied from vivien haha. we just bought sausage muffin.initially i wanted to buy hotcakes,but i heard dere was no syrup,so i faster change my order.

then we left at about 12.reached cwp and took the 901bus and went one whole round,saw julene and rebecca on the way. haha.so we reached sch,saw mohana.then i shouted "HEY!,are u goin for amaths??"she nodded,then she went under the shade. i told vivien a funny joke about shades ^^. ya then we reach canteen,saw jing si,dylan,sanchia,sumin,rebecca and julene siiting there. walao that dylan!!. "TOBYNGWILLIAMCHAN!!! WILLIAMTOBYCHANNG!!! CHANTOBYWILLIAMNG!!" i was tryin to shut him up,hes SCREAMing at the top of his voice. WAAAH.luckily not many ppl was at the canteen-.-. then when we were about to go up class,dylan shouted "WILLIAMCHANTOBYNG" i shouted back "ONE MORE TIME U SAY THAT AGAIN IM GONA SAY WHOS BANANA" lol.that shut him up.he gave me a sly grin o.O. me,rebecca,julene,vivien,jing si,nigel,mohana and kevin went for amaths class. dylan sanchia and sumin went for their co camp.. boring lesson,i dont understand the bionomial tingy. after the lesson we went causeway,me n vivien sat the 962 bus for one round.that took about 1hr b4 i reach home. ..

sob sob sob='( ill bring tissue wherever i go from today onwards =D


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